For each enemy with a harmful effect active, all water allies gain 2% increased attack and 2% increased accuracy.
Heroic upgrade
For each ally without beneficial or harmful effect active, all earth or air enemies have 2% decreased resistance and 2% decreased speed.
Heroic upgrade
For each ally without beneficial effect, self gain 3% increased accuracy and 3% increased attack.
Heroic upgrade
All allies gains 2% increased speed for each enemy with a harmful effect active.
Heroic upgrade
All allies without beneficial effect have 1% more attack. All allies with harmful effect active gain 3% increased resistance.
Heroic upgrade
Air allies gain advantage over the elements when attacking. Flying enemies have 2% decreased resistance for each ally with a beneficial effect.
Heroic upgrade
Earth allies gain advantage over the elements when defending. Beastmen allies have 5% increased accuracy for each ally with a beneficial effect active.
Heroic upgrade
All flying allies have 5% increased attack, they also gain 5% increased damage when attacking a fortress enemy. Sylvan enemies have 5% decreased defense.
Heroic upgrade
Sylvan or plants allies gain advantage over the elements when defending. Sylvan enemies have 2% decreased defense for each ally with a beneficial effect active.
Heroic upgrade
3% Increased defense for earth allies. Earth allies have 3% increased damage against fire enemies. 5% chance to cast immune to a random ally for 1 turn(s) at the end of every turn.
Heroic upgrade
For each enemy with a harmful effect, self gains 1% increased speed.
Heroic upgrade
2% increased accuracy for each enemy with an active harmful effect. Whenever an enemy resists a harmful effect, grants all allies increased accuracy for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
All dungeon or martial Art allies gain 3% increased accuracy, 3% increased attack and 3% increased critical chance but those allies have 3% decreased resistance and 3% decreased HP.
Heroic upgrade
At the beginning of each wave, 10% chances to mute a random enemy for 1 turn(s). Whenever self is defeated, mutes all enemies for 1 turn(s) and fills the turn bar of all human allies by 5%.
Heroic upgrade
At the beginning of each wave, 10% chances to cast increased defense for 1 turn(s) on all defender allies and 10% chances to cast shield on all attacker of the team for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
Grants 10% reflect damages to all construct AND defender. At the beginning of the wave, 10% chances to cast mirror on all fortress allies for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
5% decreased attack. 2% increased defense for each ally with beneficial effect and each enemy with harmful effect.
Heroic upgrade
All materia or defender allies gain counter attack and reflect 5% damages.
Heroic upgrade
At the beginning of each wave, 10% chances to cast confuse on itself for 1 turn(s) and blind all enemies for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
At the end of own turns, 5% chances to cast paralyze on himself for 1 turns and refills the turn bar of all academy allies by 5%.
Heroic upgrade
At the end of own turn, 10% chances to sacrifice 10% HP and heal all academy or swordman allies minus self by 5%.
Heroic upgrade
At the end of own turn, 10% chances to sacrifice 10% HP and increase all harmful effect duration on all goblin, undead or inferno enemies by 1 .
Heroic upgrade
If self is defeated, 20% chances to grant divine shield on all might allies for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
If self is defeated, 20% chances to grant divine shield on all might allies for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade