Auras (402)


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Goblin allies have 10% chance to increase the remaining turns of 1 harmful effects of one random enemy by 1 every time they resist a harmful effect.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Effect Probability +5%
  • 3. Effect Probability +5%
  • 4. Effect Probability +15%
  • 5. Amount effects +1

Gains 5% attack and 5% speed for each enemy with active harmful effects.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Attack +2%
  • 3. Speed +2%
  • 4. Attack +3%
  • 5. Speed +3%

At the end of the turn, 10% chance to remove 1 harmful effect on all allies, and decrease all the cooldowns of a random ally by 1 .

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Clean +1
  • 3. Clean +1
  • 4. Clean +1
  • 5. Decrease Cooldown +1

At the end of each turns, 5% chance to clean all harmful effects from an ally and heal them by 5%. 5% chance to fill the turn bar of all allies by 15%.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. 1st Effect Probability +5%
  • 3. Heal +5%
  • 4. 2nd Effect Probability +5%
  • 5. Turn bar increment +5%

If the holder dies, 50% chances of casting Phoenix Soul on all allies for 1 turn(s), reviving them with 30% HP and 30% chance of reviving all dead might allies with 30% HP.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. 1st Effect Probability +10%
  • 3. 2nd Effect Probability +10%
  • 4. 1st Effect Probability +15%
  • 5. Effect turns +1

If the holder dies, 20% chance of double poisoning all enemies for 1 turn(s). Those effects can't be resisted.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Effect Probability +10%
  • 3. Effect Probability +10%
  • 4. Effect Probability +10%
  • 5. Effect Probability +20%

Whenever an ally receive a critical attack, 10% chances to cast increased defense for 1 turn(s) and increased speed for 1 turn(s) on this ally.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Effect Probability +5%
  • 3. 1st Effect turns +1
  • 4. 2nd Effect turns +1
  • 5. Effect Probability +15%

Grant magic allies 3% increased attack, 3% increased defense and 3% increased accuracy for each magic ally.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Attack +2%
  • 3. Accuracy +2%
  • 4. Defense +2%
  • 5. Attack +5%

3% decreased resistance and 3% decreased speed to all animal or human enemies.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Decreased Resistance +2%
  • 3. Decreased Speed +2%
  • 4. Decreased Resistance +5%
  • 5. Decreased Speed +5%

Anima allies have 3% increased attack. 3% increased damage against chimera or materia enemies.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Attack +2%
  • 3. Increased Damage +2%
  • 4. Attack +3%
  • 5. Increased Damage +3%

2% increased defense and 2% increased resistance for each plant or flying ally. At the end own turn, 10% chance to heal a random ally by 10%.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Resistance +3%
  • 3. Effect Probability +10%
  • 4. Defense +3%
  • 5. Heal +10%

Grants all plants or sylvan allies poisonMail. When attacking an enemy if is poisoned, 10% chance to recover 10% HP.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Effect Probability +10%
  • 3. Heal +5%
  • 4. Effect Probability +10%
  • 5. Heal +5%

Grants to all plants or sylvan allies protection by a Mail of Thorns, damaging an enemy attacker by 3% of their max HP. Self has 5% increased defense for EACH plant ally. Water enemies have 3% increased damage against plants or sylvan allies.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Defense +5%
  • 3. TURNS=Thorn Mail turns +2%
  • 4. Defense +8%
  • 5. TURNS=Thorn Mail turns +5%

When self resists a harmful effect, 10% chances to decrease the cooldowns of all anima allies by 1 .

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Effect Probability +5%
  • 3. Effect Probability +10%
  • 4. Effect Probability +10%
  • 5. Decrease Cooldown +1

When self resists to a harmful effect, 5% chances to increase the duration of 1 beneficial effect(s) of a random ally by 1 .

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Effect Probability +5%
  • 3. Effect Probability +10%
  • 4. Effect Probability +10%
  • 5. Effect duration +1

When self resists a harmful effect, 10% chances to remove 2 harmful effect(s) of a random ally and refill its turn bar by 10%.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Effect Probability +5%
  • 3. Clean +1
  • 4. Effect Probability +15%
  • 5. Turn bar increment +5%

Animal allies have 3% increased damage against human enemies. Self has 5% chance to increase the duration of the harmful effects by 1 to a random enemy if attacks an anima enemy.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Increased Damage +2%
  • 3. Effect Probability +2%
  • 4. Increased Damage +3%
  • 5. Effect Probability +3%

2% accuracy for each defender ally. Grants all defender allies immunity to poison.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Accuracy +2%
  • 3. Accuracy +2%
  • 4. Accuracy +3%
  • 5. Accuracy +3%

5% increased attack when own HP are below 30%. At the end of own turn and when own HP are below 30%, 10% chance to cast increased defense on self for 1 turn(s).

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Attack +5%
  • 3. Effect Probability +10%
  • 4. Attack +5%
  • 5. Turns +1

2% increased attack for each might ally or enemy. All air enemies have 5% decreased critical chance.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Attack +2%
  • 3. Decreased Crit % +2%
  • 4. Attack +3%
  • 5. Decreased Crit % +3%

Flying or animal allies gain 3% increased resistance. They also have 3% increased damage against all magic creatures.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Resistance +3%
  • 3. Increased Damage +3%
  • 4. Resistance +4%
  • 5. Increased Damage +4%

At the beginning of each wave, 10% chances to cast increased defense for 1 turn(s) on itself, and hunting mark on all enemies for 1 turn(s).

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Effect Probability +5%
  • 3. 1st Effect turns +1
  • 4. Effect Probability +15%
  • 5. 2nd Effect turns +1

If own HP are below 30%, 10% chances to cast increased critical damage for 1 turn(s) and increased critical chance for 1 turn(s) after attacking an air enemy.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Effect Probability +10%
  • 3. Effect Probability +10%
  • 4. 1st Effect turns +1
  • 5. 2nd Effect turns +1

Grants 5% increased critical damage to all elves allies. At the end of own turn, refills turn bar of all earth allies by 10%.

Heroic upgrade

  • 2. Effect Probability +10%
  • 3. Effect Probability +10%
  • 4. Critical Damage +5%
  • 5. Turn bar increment +10%