If the target has less than 30% HP, 10% chance to cast increased defense on self for 1 turn(s) and increase duration of 1 beneficial effect(s) on all the other allies by 1 after attacking it.
Heroic upgrade
All Defender allies are immune to bombs and poisons, but have 20% decreased Accuracy. The holder has 5% increased Defense for each ally that has a beneficial effect active.
Heroic upgrade
All beastman allies receive 5% more damage from Light enemies, but have 30% chance to heal by 10% each time a Light ally attacks an enemy. All beastman allies have 60% chance to receive Immunity for 1 turn at the start of the wave.
Heroic upgrade
If the target has less than 30% HP, cast steal life on it for 2 turn(s) and 10% chances to cast block revive on it for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
If self performs a critical attack, 5% chances to cast parasite on a random enemy for 3 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
The holder reflects 25% of the damage they receive to the attacker, and gains 5% critical damage for each Inferno ally.
Heroic upgrade
For each Dark ally, the holder gains 5% critical damage. If the targeted enemy is charmed, 35% chance of paralyzing them for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
5% increased critical chance for each dead enemy or ally.
Heroic upgrade
For each inferno enemy or ally, gains 5% increased critical chance. Whenever self performs a critical attack, 10% chances to cast increased attack on self for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
All inferno allies have 5% increased critical damage. At the beginning of each turn, 10% chances to cast increased attack on all allies for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
All stronghold AND defender allies gain 2% increased resistance and 2% increased defense for each might ally and enemy.
Heroic upgrade
At the beginning of own turn, when HP are below 10%, 10% chances to remove 1 own harmful effect(s) and heal self by 5%.
Heroic upgrade
Whenever self dodge an attack, 10% chances to cast parasite over a random enemy for 2 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
Each time self dodge an attack, 10% chances to increase the duration of all own beneficial effect(s) by 1 and remove 1 beneficial effect(s) from a random enemy.
Heroic upgrade
At the end of each turn, 10% chances to decrease the defense for 1 turn(s) and hunting mark for 1 turn(s) on an attacker ally, then refills its turn bar by 75%.
Heroic upgrade
2% increased speed for EACH sanctuary ally. At the end of each turn, 10% chances to increase all beneficial effect(s) duration by 1 on a random ally.
Heroic upgrade
Each time self is using its first spell, 10% chances to heal a random ally by 15%.
Heroic upgrade
Immune to Block Revive, Block Buff and Block Heal. The holder has 1% HP for each Sanctuary ally.
Heroic upgrade
Immune to Steal Attack Bar and Block Fill Bar. All spirit allies have 1% increased speed, and 5% increased critical damage.
Heroic upgrade
At the end of each turn, 10% chances to cast decrease defense on a defender ally for 1 turn(s) then give it thornMail for 1 turn(s), reverse damages for 1 turn(s) and 50% chance to counter attack for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
All allies have 5% increased attack. At the end of own turn, 10% chances to clean 1 harmful effect(s) on all allies and 5% chances to increase duration of 1 harmful effect(s) on all enemies by 1 .
Heroic upgrade
All allies have 5% increased resistance. Whenever self receive a critical attack, 10% chances to cast a shield providing shelter of 20% of own HP over all allies for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
All allies have 5% increased HP. Whenever self receive an attack, 10% chances to cast a shield providing shelter of 20% of own HP on a random ally for 1 turn(s) and 10% chances to mute all enemies for 1 turn(s).
Heroic upgrade
Whenever self receive an attack, 10% chances to heal an ally by 20% and 10% chances to clean an ally of 1 harmful effect(s).
Heroic upgrade