Stone Guard

Bot discord command: !monster dark Stone Guard

Stone Guard
Evolves in
HP 3467
ATK 341
DEF 191
SPD 62
CRIT % 15 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 15 %
RES 30 %
Rank / Level HP ATK DEF
3 | LVL 25 6251 650 364
4 | LVL 30 7565 786 440
5 | LVL 35 8703 904 507

Glyphs recommended at level 35


1. Slash

Single target - 1 * ATK
Attacks an enemy.
Skill up
  • 1. Damage +5%
  • 2. Damage +5%
  • 3. Damage +5%
  • 4. Damage +10%

2. Strong Glory

AOE - (1 * ATK) + (0.45 * MaxHP)
Attacks all enemies with an attack increase based on the caster's HP. All defender allies on the team obtain Blind mail for 1 turn(s). Reusable in 4 turn(s)
Skill up
  • 1. Damage +5%
  • 2. Damage +5%
  • 3. Damage +10%
  • 4. Damage +10%
  • 5. Effect turns +1

3. Agile Defense (Passive)

At the end of the turn, if the holder's HP is higher than 50%, they obtain Dodge for 1 turn. Otherwise, they obtain a Shield that protects 15% of their HP for 1 turn.

At the end of the holder's turn, 10 % chance of turning themselves to stone for 1 turn(s) and taunting all attacker enemies for 1 turn(s).

Heroic upgrade
  • 2. Effect Probability +10%
  • 3. Effect Probability +10%
  • 4. Effect Probability +10%
  • 5. Effect Probability +10%
When the Wizards allied themselves with the Holy Empire during the Orc Crusades, they were asked to provide reinforcements for the Crusaders. House Materia created "knight constructs" to fit better with the rest of the imperial armies.