Kai - Icy DragonFly

Bot discord command: !monster Kai

Evolution of
HP 1862
ATK 340
DEF 114
SPD 84
CRIT % 30 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 15 %
RES 15 %
Rank / Level HP ATK DEF
2 | LVL 20 3409 759 228
3 | LVL 25 4669 1104 322
4 | LVL 30 5564 1322 381
5 | LVL 35 6340 1511 433

Glyphs recommended at level 35


1. Exhausting embrace

Single target - 1 * ATK
Attacks an enemy. 35% chance of decreasing their attack for 2 turns.
Skill up
  • 1. Damage +5%
  • 2. Damage +5%
  • 3. Damage +5%
  • 4. Damage +10%

Number of monsters with this spell among our registrants: 4

1. Sneaky thief

Single target - 1 * ATK
Attacks an enemy. 35% chance of removing 1 beneficial effects from them.
Skill up
  • 1. Damage +5%
  • 2. Damage +5%
  • 3. Damage +5%
  • 4. Damage +10%

Number of monsters with this spell among our registrants: 5

2. Grappling Attack

Single target - 1.2 * ATK
Attacks an enemy and lowers their turn bar by 40%. 50% chance of poisoning them for 2 turns. Reusable in 4 turn(s)
Skill up
  • 1. Damage +5%
  • 2. Damage +10%
  • 3. Damage +10%
  • 4. Turn bar reduction +5%
  • 5. Turn bar reduction +5%

3. Draining Fang

Single target - 1.4 * ATK
Attacks an enemy, drains their HP during 2 turns, and removes 1 beneficial effects from all other enemies. Reusable in 5 turn(s)
Skill up
  • 1. Draining +5%
  • 2. Draining +5%
  • 3. Draining +5%
  • 4. Draining +10%
  • 5. Draining +10%

At the beginning of each wave, 10 % chances to cast increased defense for 1 turn(s) on itself, and hunting mark on all enemies for 1 turn(s).

Heroic upgrade
  • 2. Effect Probability +5%
  • 3. 1st Effect turns +1
  • 4. Effect Probability +15%
  • 5. 2nd Effect turns +1
Snakeflies are a family of magical beasts, half-reptile and half-insect. They are cunning predators, hiding in the trees and using their wings to spring out at unsuspecting prey. The largest specimens are called Dragonflies.