Heroic Island : Donjon du dimanche - created by Zanzachio the 28/03/2019

Description :
Art martial
LVL 30
HP 6046
ATK 1092
DEF 566
SPD 71
CRIT % 30 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 40 %
RES 15 %
EHP 14350
See the spells and aura of the monster
Earth Ukyo
LVL 30
HP 5775
ATK 1201
DEF 558
SPD 72
CRIT % 30 %
CRIT DMG 200 %
ACC 15 %
RES 15 %
EHP 13568
See the spells and aura of the monster
HP 3561
ATK 712
DEF 340
SPD 73
CRIT % 30 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 15 %
RES 15 %
EHP 6218
See the spells and aura of the monster
HP 3972
ATK 663
DEF 364
SPD 77
CRIT % 25 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 25 %
RES 10 %
EHP 7181
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 30
HP 4951
ATK 971
DEF 579
SPD 85
CRIT % 25 %
CRIT DMG 200 %
ACC 25 %
RES 10 %
EHP 11946
See the spells and aura of the monster