Wrath : WRATH 11 (auto) - created by UNREAL the 29/03/2019

Time : ~2,5 min
Description :
Target boss (3 & 5 waves)
LVL 35
HP 8250 (638)
ATK 1536 (512)
DEF 820 (223)
SPD 136 (74)
CRIT % 74 % (59 %)
CRIT DMG 172 % (22 %)
ACC 110 % (95 %)
RES 62 % (7 %)
EHP 26429
Information not available
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 35
HP 8405 (793)
ATK 1312 (288)
DEF 848 (251)
SPD 139 (77)
CRIT % 80 % (65 %)
CRIT DMG 201 % (51 %)
ACC 108 % (93 %)
RES 64 % (9 %)
EHP 27762
Information not available
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 35
HP 8049 (2116)
ATK 3755 (2243)
DEF 718 (52)
SPD 152 (74)
CRIT % 106 % (76 %)
CRIT DMG 335 % (135 %)
ACC 22 % (7 %)
RES 19 % (4 %)
EHP 22974
Information not available
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 30
HP 5729 (324)
ATK 1797 (310)
DEF 398 (68)
SPD 169 (94)
CRIT % 78 % (48 %)
CRIT DMG 168 % (18 %)
ACC 110 % (95 %)
RES 28 % (13 %)
EHP 10869
Information not available
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 35
HP 16631 (9019)
ATK 1544 (520)
DEF 775 (178)
SPD 182 (120)
CRIT % 54 % (39 %)
CRIT DMG 168 % (18 %)
ACC 45 % (30 %)
RES 62 % (7 %)
EHP 50671
Information not available
See the spells and aura of the monster