Heroic Island : Mardi - created by jaatox the 21/04/2019

Description :
Il faut un 2eme Kabir + 2 gargouille feu
Sphinx Kitten
HP 2500
ATK 377
DEF 235
SPD 73
CRIT % 25 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 25 %
RES 10 %
EHP 3726
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 30
HP 5468
ATK 954
DEF 452
SPD 77
CRIT % 25 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 25 %
RES 10 %
EHP 11177
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 30
HP 5468
ATK 954
DEF 452
SPD 77
CRIT % 25 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 25 %
RES 10 %
EHP 11177
See the spells and aura of the monster