C11 - created by DjoLeskiv the 14/04/2019

Time : ~4min
Description :
100% TC basilic & necro
90% ACC basilic & necro
LVL 35
HP 15498 (8325)
ATK 1669 (352)
DEF 1262 (518)
SPD 137 (66)
CRIT % 44 % (14 %)
CRIT DMG 184 % (34 %)
ACC 126 % (85 %)
RES 29 % (14 %)
EHP 76922
Information not available
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 35
HP 14678 (8179)
ATK 1710 (476)
DEF 1287 (564)
SPD 152 (73)
CRIT % 34 % (9 %)
CRIT DMG 176 % (26 %)
ACC 111 % (61 %)
RES 17 % (7 %)
EHP 74489
Information not available
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 35
HP 9728 (3328)
ATK 1590 (354)
DEF 1103 (379)
SPD 153 (66)
CRIT % 101 % (76 %)
CRIT DMG 169 % (19 %)
ACC 63 % (38 %)
RES 20 % (10 %)
EHP 41676
Information not available
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 35
HP 7430 (1274)
ATK 2107 (406)
DEF 467 (93)
SPD 169 (94)
CRIT % 102 % (72 %)
CRIT DMG 157 % (7 %)
ACC 87 % (72 %)
RES 22 % (7 %)
EHP 15498
Information not available
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 35
HP 18831 (10988)
ATK 1288 (218)
DEF 1077 (613)
SPD 178 (95)
CRIT % 39 % (19 %)
CRIT DMG 216 % (66 %)
ACC 20 %
RES 52 % (32 %)
EHP 78676
Information not available
See the spells and aura of the monster