Heroic Island : Homme-bete/Samedi - created by [B.S] Ahry the 17/03/2019

Description :
4 validé
LVL 35
HP 6648
ATK 948
DEF 883
SPD 60
CRIT % 15 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 40 %
RES 30 %
EHP 22802
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 35
HP 7612
ATK 1024
DEF 597
SPD 62
CRIT % 15 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 15 %
RES 55 %
EHP 18784
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 30
HP 6142
ATK 987
DEF 554
SPD 69
CRIT % 15 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 40 %
RES 30 %
EHP 14357
See the spells and aura of the monster
LVL 35
HP 6574
ATK 1480
DEF 632
SPD 82
CRIT % 30 %
CRIT DMG 150 %
ACC 15 %
RES 15 %
EHP 16937
See the spells and aura of the monster